Aviation News

More direct flights to Thailand

In 2011, more Russian airlines will have direct flights to different destinations in Thailand. Both Aeroflot and Transaero will increase flight frequency to Phuket. Aeroflot will have 3 direct flights per week from Moscow and Transaero up to 10 flights per week, as well as increasing the size of the aircraft.

Airlift to Bangkok has also increased, as Transaero added 5 more flights, making it 14 flights per week, and Aeroflot added 3 more flights, making it 11 flights per week. Some tour operators however have expressed their doubts about such a large increase in flight capacity as this might reduce the profitability of the flights.

Less flights to Bali from Transaero

While increasing flights to Thailand, Transaero has cut their flight frequency to Denpasar, Bali, from 4 direct flights per week in the winter season to just two. Industry experts consider this to be a positive move, as Bali is considered to be a high-end destination in Russia and has tough completion from more cost-conscious destinations like Thailand and Goa.

S7 signs code sharing agreement with British Airways

S7, Russia's 3rd largest airline and member of the Oneworld global airline alliance, will implement a code sharing agreement with BA in Russia. BA will continue flying their aircrafts on the international route (Moscow - London), while S7 will run all the domestic flights connecting the various cities in Russia with Moscow. This will be very convenient for passengers from the Russian regions wishing to travel to the UK and will allow them to have a single ticket for their final destination.

New flight from Irkutsk to Munich

yakutiaYakutia airline, a Siberia regional airline, announced the launch of direct flights from Irkutsk to Munich, Germany. The flights will begin on 30 April, 2011, and will be operated twice a week until October, and then once a week for the rest of the year. According to the airline estimations, 10,000 to 15,000 passengers will use the new flight in 2011. The tour operator Grand Baikal from Irkutsk will act as the main consolidator. The new route is expected to be demanded by Russians traveling to Europe, but also by the Europeans traveling further East to Mongolia, China or Korea.